Monday, May 13, 2019

This is the end.... my only friend, the end.... -- The Doors

Been wrestling with, among so many other things of late...... Death.

I know.... I know.... "don't we all?"

BUT... this blog is about running The UB.... and the "behind the scenes" part of running such a place...

I started this blog because of a "UB kid" who's mother died unexpectedly and how I was sucked into this family tragedy...

This one is a bit different... kind of a "survivors remorse" I suppose.

I found out yesterday that a friend chose to eat a bullet rather than see her sons ever again...

When the UB was still in Polk County, I saw her fairly often. Her youngest son would come in and amaze everyone at his Guitar Hero skills as well as his real guitar abilities. He LOVED the attention he got from teen girls (he was 8) as well as the attention and free lessons offered by the touring bands etc.

Her oldest son eventually became a volunteer  helping me run the UB when I was unable to be there etc. If he made a mistake or did anything appearing less than honest... she would jump on it and handle it without me ever saying a word.

There was never any doubt she loved her boys immensely.

She was one of the FEW who actually came out and HELPED me clean up and close up the old UB.

She would come to me to talk about home life, problems, etc.

The UB gave her freedom... a place to go when able and healthy enough. She loved motorcycles and I had given her a few rides on mine. You could tell how much she had missed it.

It is with all this in mind that makes me wonder if she would still be alive if The Ultimate Basement had never left Polk County.

It was her sanctuary from an unfair life that never stopped beating her down. She felt the shackles of the world temporarily fall off when she was there and the old young rebel/rocker stir in her blood once again.

Mind you, home life was a mess. Husband clearly had anger issues, oldest son seemed hell bent on making bad decisions without much forethought, youngest son... well his road was already paved....

This is not pointing blame etc.... she had her own demons as well..... and we all know there are at least 3 sides to every story... (his side, her side and the truth)

She was an alcoholic.... in other words, The UB was not her only means of escape from a world she no longer liked.

We even made a deal once.... every week she remained "dry".... Id give her a ride on my Harley. Im not sure her jealous angry husband approved which I was told was often why she could not come to the UB more often than she did.

Up to this point, it sounds like Im passing judgement on the husband... I am not. I merely state facts... at least the ones I care to share.

She was self admittedly an old biker bitch back in the day... could probably all you ever wanted in a woman, plus a lot more you often regretted LOL. Some rumors I had heard, etc.... I cant blame the man for feeling possessive, angry, etc.

You might as well as a campfire to hold onto your box of firecrackers for you..... Some explosions are bound to happen.

Where am I going with all this????

She often talked of leaving her husband, but never would.... the opportunities were there... she wasn't trapped. But she craved alcohol, and he provided it.

So... Im wondering if she would still be alive today if the UB had never left Polk County.... and how unfair it is that there just might be some truth in it. THAT pressure I do not need... do not want....

Whats more... it aint my job damnit!

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