Wednesday, April 23, 2014

You better give'em up and quick Or you'll be pushing up daisies -- Lonnie Mack

The Oreo Incident of 2013

You would be amazed at how many people fail, horrendously, at "getting it" here.... the big picture, the concept.... the true reason their IS an Ultimate Basement.

I believe it was the year 2009 when the Christian Rock band P.R.O.O.F. was performing here and they had an artist come paint a huge painting of what the artist felt as the concert was happening. They later presented me with the painting in thanks for what I was doing.

During the show, they announced that they were dedicating a song to me and The Ultimate Basement. It was called "shelter".

They got it. They understood The UB. 

They realized that we were NOT a music venue. We were NOT a game center. We were NOT a "business" worried about nickels and dimes.

We had kids walking to be here while "Mom and Dad were fighting again"......We are a place where you can come and be YOU without judgement or prejudice as long as you didn't hurt anyone else and were respectful.

We are a place where you can get away from the bad things out there.

One problem with being a "shelter" that people can run to when in need....

                                               ...sometimes the bad things that are chasing you will follow you here.

Before I go on... I want to remind you how proud I am that we have never, ever in over 6 years, had so much as a fistfight within the Ultimate Basement. Ever. *Knocks on wood*

That does NOT mean violence has never come TO our doorstep or been in our parking lot.... on more than a few occasions.

So it was last year... a summer evening, no bands scheduled that night. Pretty much no one was there so we were getting ready to shut the place down and leave for the night.

When out in the doorway there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bathroom to see what was the matter.
Away to the dance floor I flew like a flash,
Buckled my trousers and zipped up my sash.

The fluorescent lighting blinked their dull glow
Giving the lustre of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes had appeared,
But a miniature person, and five others he feared.

A young man had run for his life half across town to the only place he knew was open that late that would offer help to a kid (he wasn't even a older-teen).

Chasing him was another boy about his age wielding a knife. 

Behind HIM was a sister, parents and several others. ALL of whom were trying to get through my doors into the main room. We stopped them at the doorway while they tried to explain to me (all yelling at once) the situation.

I simply yelled back at them that I frankly did not give a damn what the situation was... THIS WAS NOT HAPPENING HERE!

Police were called and Spindale's finest responded rapidly and in large force with support from surrounding areas.

It was while the police were questioning one of the boys that I heard the reason behind the assault and ensuing chase across town....

The boy with the knife had woken up from his sleep only to find that someone had eaten all his Oreo cookies.... 

I have nothing left to say......

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

WAR.... what is it good for? -- Edwin Starr

Most of you know by now... but I am a combat veteran of Desert Storm.

I consider myself EXTREMELY fortunate in the fact that I was never injured, never had to watch a fellow soldier get killed. In fact, I don't recall ever firing a shot...

I do, however, remember vividly LOTS of shots being fired AT me....

In fact, I once had three different countries shoot at me all at once from all different directions.

As lucky as I indeed was, that luck did NOT keep me from seeing, first hand, the horrors of war. Nor did it keep me from learning definitively whether I could take another life or not....

So much death and destruction.... bodies horribly burned, mangled or simply in pieces. Dogs eating the bodies strewn around like a buffet. The oil fires looking like an artists perception of Hell.... the sky forever blocked from sunlight by the smoke. The children scrounging for food or even a simple kindness.

If you know anything about me yet, then you know there is a reason I bring all this up.....

I started The Ultimate Basement as a means to give back.... to try to make a horrible world just a little bit better in some way.

Ask my kids, I was very much ANTI-video games and all who knew me was amazed I had started a game center.

So it was that I decorated a part of a wall with my war mementos.... since Call Of Duty was so popular.

One of my most regular/best customers was a young man roughly 12 yrs old.

He came all the time to battle it out with the enemy on Call Of Duty. This guy was serious about the game.

He had been coming there pretty steadily for a few years when one day he comes up to my counter and FINALLY notices my plaque on the wall.

He looks up at me with big eyes and says "Were you really in a real war?"

I looked back at him and said "Well yes sir, I was indeed."

He gets this excited look on his face and almost yells "Was it COOL???"

This young man had rocked me to my heels and I could barely speak out a response.... but I did.

"Hell no son! It isn't "cool" at all..... real war is nothing like Call Of Duty..... you dont get to "start over" if you get killed or hurt..... In the game, you hate when its boring and love when its exciting. But in real war, you yearn for the boring and fear the exciting. (regardless of the bravado we must keep pumping ourselves up with).

I will never forget that day, that look..... that huge, gaping flaw in society that I suddenly realized I had become a part of by having video games here......

I was helping propagate a lie... a monstrous horrendous fib.

Send lawyers, guns and money -- Warren Zevon

So... another "What you don't know about the UB" moment....

Last year I went to Rutherford County jail.......

Like so many of today's teens.... one of my TUB darlins got herself into a mess of trouble listening to her friends legal advice mixed with their bad sense of how the world SHOULD be and topped off with what amazes me most of this generation we are raising....

The idea that what YOU think SHOULD be.... somehow transcends what *IS*.

Before I go on with my jail story.... let me better explain what I just said....

I will use the Pot/Marijuana example. Certain states have legalized it..... MANY believe it SHOULD be legalized everywhere and certainly there is a serious push toward that end going on country wide.

So.... many folks feel it SHOULD be legal. What I do NOT understand is the thinking that because it SHOULD be legal, you just go light it up in public..... anywhere..... then are SHOCKED when you get in trouble for it????

Kids today are very much like that.... because they feel they SHOULD be allowed to do whatever.... they just do it.... then are amazed that they got in trouble for doing it even though they knew all along it wasn't allowed.

Blows my mind almost on a daily basis.

Anyhoo, the teen I'm talking about today was not in trouble for drug related issues.... just further "bad judgement" ones based on a belief she had rights that she soon realized she did not yet have.

Like resisting a police officer.....

Like so many of today's youth, she thought she was old enough to do whatever she wanted, when she wanted and it didn't matter what her parents thought of her ideas.

An officer was called in and he told her that at her current age she did in fact have to listen.

She continued to walk away and probably could have chosen her words more carefully.

The officer gave her several more chances to calm down and come back to the house to discuss things in a more adult manner. She proceeded to explain her rights as perceived by her, reinforced by her peers (none of whom are lawyers...just other teens)  to the officer as she walked away.

Finally, she was given an ultimatum... Come back or I will escort you back....

Once the officer was putting handcuffs on her, she quickly decided that OPTION A was much more desirable.... however.... OPTION A was no longer on the table. It was too late.

She was the FIRST...and amazingly, so far the ONLY true "basement kid" to land her butt in jail.

BECAUSE of her antics (and others), Her parents were in no hurry to bail her out and bring her home. DSS decided she was a danger to her younger brother and therefore... coming home wasn't even an option anymore.

I actually went deeper into this story more than I had intended.... but if ANY of you teens can read this and LEARN something from it BEFORE you go out and destroy your home life, your future, your parents trust and love (which of course... you will later blame your parents because "they don't care about you").... then I am glad I went overboard.

This was supposed to simply show another example of my experiences dealing with teens and running the UB that people never realized can come with the territory.

At the request of the mother, I went and visited this young lady in jail.

She is a great girl with TONS of awesome potential..... I just wish I could see her utilize a fraction of it.

Unfortunately, I have yet to see it happen.

Her mother insists that The Ultimate Basement and myself have been a good influence on her and that we HAVE helped.... but I confess that I can not tell it.

Monday, April 21, 2014

I'm pickin' up good vibrations -- Beach Boys

Ok..... after my last all too depressing post.... lets get my ying and yang back in balance.

Align my chakras or whatever you call it...

We like to believe the world exists in some sort of balance....  as if there is some great scale making sure all events remain in check. If something terrible happens HERE.... we will add a bunch of good THERE.

It all balances out.

Of course.... bad news gets better press and marketing.

The day of the funeral, one of our OTHER Basement kids finally had her baby! She and her boyfriend have been together a LONG time through a LOT. Her family was there supporting her and the baby was healthy.

We will chalk that up to the PLUS side of the scales.

On a more personal note, the very next night..... one of my Basement kids from about.... 4+ years ago stopped by! I rarely see her anymore...

She has graduated, married and divorced since she first ever came to The Ultimate Basement. I have watched her grow from TEEN to WOMAN over the years and a finer person you can not find.

She gives me a hug and hands me an envelope. I asked her what it was and she replies that it is an Easter card and there was no rush in my opening it. (THAT was my clue......I shoulda known it was a trick!).

None-the-less, I was elated! I have been doing this for over 6 years now, giving everything I had to this project and those who cared to be a part of it.... and it is so rare I am personally thought of for Easter... or Christmas..... or my birthday..... etc.

So THIS was really cool for me!

She said she couldn't stay and gave me another hug, then left.

I had a show to get started so I had put the card down, unopened, and went back to work.

Later that night, I was handed the card back yet again after it had been taken from a 5 yr old that had found it and was walking around with it.

I tossed it back up to my command center area for later.

At the end of the night.... after the bands were done, packed up and headed home.... the buzz of the sound system finally gone... I had sat down at my laptop, ready to shut everything down and leave for the night. It was roughly 1 am and I was more than ready to leave and relax.

That is when I saw the card haphazardly lying where it had landed from my casual Frisbee toss earlier.

On the envelope, it simply said "Gerb".

Once I opened the envelope.... money fell out. $80 in twenty dollar bills....... I was shocked and humbled.

I dont know if this is coincidental or if she did it deliberately..... but I JUST NOW realized it was FOUR $20 bills...

Get it? 4-20's..... all the pot heads of the world go crazy over the date 4-20...... 

If she did THIS on purpose, she is a GENIUS! 
4-20 is finally put to practical use!! 

Give 4 twenty dollar bills to..... whatever cause or person you want! Brilliant!

(I mean... come on guys.... it aint like your not smoking pot the OTHER if you really need a holiday of your own to do it on?)

So naturally, I then read the rest of the "Easter Card".....

In those times
when you're feeling
a bit unsteady,
know that you've got
all the strength
you need.
OPEN CARD.......
It's there, just like it's always been.

You can do this.

Inside, hand written said:
"David, I know its not much but you deserve it! --N"

Not much? NOT MUCH???

It was too much! It was...............................wonderful.

Personal Karma Cup is balanced once more.

Hell is for children - Pat Benatar

I promised you the story of what recently happened that made me decide to start a blog showing some of the behind-the-scenes stuff from running a place such as mine. The "what you never think of" stuff...

I try very hard to be more than "just a venue" or "the old guy who takes your money when you come in".

We try to KNOW these kids, their parents etc.

I am "The Gerb" or just "Gerb".....Sonja is "Momma".

We not some un-named individuals who just "run the place".

Their joys and accomplishments are our joys and accomplishments. Nothing makes me happier than when teens stop by on their way to prom to show US their outfits, get pictures taken etc. Or when they come running here to show us their new drivers license.

I get my hair cut at a salon now simply because one of "My kids" graduated and now runs a booth.

We *support* these kids, not only when they are at The Ultimate Basement...

Therefore, conversely..... their pain is our pain.

Last week.... one of our teens mother was rushed to the hospital with what was later explained as a heart attack. She was unconscious but in the hands of the professionals. There was what appeared to be finger twitching etc so we all assumed there was good brain activity.

It was sad, but all were glad she was so quickly placed in the hospital and everyone figured that after a day or so, she would wake up and soon thereafter be coming back home.

The next day, she and her younger brother were at The Ultimate Basement in order to keep their brains on other things as well as to keep them from underfoot while the husband and other family members stayed at the hospital awaiting test results etc.

THAT was when word came that Mom was NOT going to recover. The plug was to be pulled soon....

Immediately, Momma took the understandably distraught teen to the hospital, but we were given NO directions as to what to do about the younger brother and his friend still at The Ultimate Basement happily killing zombies, thinking Mom is resting up and coming home soon... oblivious to the fact that his entire world is about to shatter.....

It was then that I realized a BUNCH of things.....

  1. That boy NEEDS to be with his Mom.... now.
  2. He is a minor, so... without permission... I'm not driving him anywhere.
  3. The only contact numbers I had had just left with Momma and the teen....
  4. If *I* was the father of the kids, Id want them there... BUT... as the HUSBAND... I wouldn't want to leave Mom's side knowing time is critically finite.
The MOST important thing I realized was... I DID NOT want to have to be the one to tell this boy what is happening!

I hit Facebook asking local community friends if anyone knew of a good, gentle counselor I could put on stand by in case the need arose.

I was never so relieved to see a father walk inside....


I get off work and drive to The UB...... knowing full well the funeral is today and the teen had asked Momma if she would go with her to support.

As I walk in, I am asked to go along as well. (I wasnt exactly dressed for a funeral.... and as a proud member of the Patriot Guard riders, I can assure you I take funerals seriously and would never wish to be anything but respectful.)

So, I jump into my office where I keep various costumes, wigs etc. Luckily, my Security Guard uniform (from about... 20 yrs ago..) has a very nice white, long sleeve dress shirt. It has colored shoulder boards, but... under a jacket, no one will see them. I found a forest service colored (blah green) clip on tie.... and a nicer, cleaner hat.

So, I went to a funeral for a person I pretty much never met... a loving wife to a husband I had first met 5 days before when he came to pick up his boy to shatter his world. A mother to a teen daughter who is now faced with an uncertain future and too many directions.

I sat there watching this boy cry his heart out onto the floor.... worrying who saw, trying to be a man... then crying in spite of it all.

I wanted to say something helpful, something that would make things seem less bad...less unfair.

I had nothin.

It was unfair and nothing I could say was going to make this right.

I doubt my presence helped anyone.... certainly wasn't going to change anything.....

But, I was some strange branch of their family tree, we were connected..... so I was there.

Happy Easter will never forget this one.....

Friday, April 18, 2014

A short introduction.....

Hello World......

Dont hold your breath on how often Ill remember to keep up with this.....but many folks say I should write a book or do a blog about my "fun" running a game room/music venue so here it is....

It aint the daily party, rainbows and unicorns most people think it is....

Often enough, it simply sucks ass....

(And yes, this is my blog ABOUT running The Ultimate Basement, it is NOT The Ultimate I reserve the right to cuss, say what I REALLY think etc as opposed to my Facebook posts which I try hard to censure and keep positive. Dont like it, dont read it.)

Since I feel like the first blog post should be a kind of introduction of sorts, let me get to it.

My name is David Weisgerber and I am the owner/operator of The Ultimate Basement in Spindale NC. A very cool and noble idea that most everyone theory only.

I am what I feel as a very successful father, a very failed husband (3 times a failure), a combat veteran, a veteran firefighter of both structure and wildland, friend to law enforcement (those that want to be friendly), a government employee and generally a pretty "glass half full" kinda guy in spite of my life.

Im no typist, so I suppose I can expand on all that as time goes by. Feel free to ask my questions and I will answer them.

My next post will be regarding an event that recently happened here that made me realize that I needed to start a blog talking about some of the things that come from running a place such as this that you NEVER think of when starting it.....
