Monday, April 21, 2014

Hell is for children - Pat Benatar

I promised you the story of what recently happened that made me decide to start a blog showing some of the behind-the-scenes stuff from running a place such as mine. The "what you never think of" stuff...

I try very hard to be more than "just a venue" or "the old guy who takes your money when you come in".

We try to KNOW these kids, their parents etc.

I am "The Gerb" or just "Gerb".....Sonja is "Momma".

We not some un-named individuals who just "run the place".

Their joys and accomplishments are our joys and accomplishments. Nothing makes me happier than when teens stop by on their way to prom to show US their outfits, get pictures taken etc. Or when they come running here to show us their new drivers license.

I get my hair cut at a salon now simply because one of "My kids" graduated and now runs a booth.

We *support* these kids, not only when they are at The Ultimate Basement...

Therefore, conversely..... their pain is our pain.

Last week.... one of our teens mother was rushed to the hospital with what was later explained as a heart attack. She was unconscious but in the hands of the professionals. There was what appeared to be finger twitching etc so we all assumed there was good brain activity.

It was sad, but all were glad she was so quickly placed in the hospital and everyone figured that after a day or so, she would wake up and soon thereafter be coming back home.

The next day, she and her younger brother were at The Ultimate Basement in order to keep their brains on other things as well as to keep them from underfoot while the husband and other family members stayed at the hospital awaiting test results etc.

THAT was when word came that Mom was NOT going to recover. The plug was to be pulled soon....

Immediately, Momma took the understandably distraught teen to the hospital, but we were given NO directions as to what to do about the younger brother and his friend still at The Ultimate Basement happily killing zombies, thinking Mom is resting up and coming home soon... oblivious to the fact that his entire world is about to shatter.....

It was then that I realized a BUNCH of things.....

  1. That boy NEEDS to be with his Mom.... now.
  2. He is a minor, so... without permission... I'm not driving him anywhere.
  3. The only contact numbers I had had just left with Momma and the teen....
  4. If *I* was the father of the kids, Id want them there... BUT... as the HUSBAND... I wouldn't want to leave Mom's side knowing time is critically finite.
The MOST important thing I realized was... I DID NOT want to have to be the one to tell this boy what is happening!

I hit Facebook asking local community friends if anyone knew of a good, gentle counselor I could put on stand by in case the need arose.

I was never so relieved to see a father walk inside....


I get off work and drive to The UB...... knowing full well the funeral is today and the teen had asked Momma if she would go with her to support.

As I walk in, I am asked to go along as well. (I wasnt exactly dressed for a funeral.... and as a proud member of the Patriot Guard riders, I can assure you I take funerals seriously and would never wish to be anything but respectful.)

So, I jump into my office where I keep various costumes, wigs etc. Luckily, my Security Guard uniform (from about... 20 yrs ago..) has a very nice white, long sleeve dress shirt. It has colored shoulder boards, but... under a jacket, no one will see them. I found a forest service colored (blah green) clip on tie.... and a nicer, cleaner hat.

So, I went to a funeral for a person I pretty much never met... a loving wife to a husband I had first met 5 days before when he came to pick up his boy to shatter his world. A mother to a teen daughter who is now faced with an uncertain future and too many directions.

I sat there watching this boy cry his heart out onto the floor.... worrying who saw, trying to be a man... then crying in spite of it all.

I wanted to say something helpful, something that would make things seem less bad...less unfair.

I had nothin.

It was unfair and nothing I could say was going to make this right.

I doubt my presence helped anyone.... certainly wasn't going to change anything.....

But, I was some strange branch of their family tree, we were connected..... so I was there.

Happy Easter will never forget this one.....

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