Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Send lawyers, guns and money -- Warren Zevon

So... another "What you don't know about the UB" moment....

Last year I went to Rutherford County jail.......

Like so many of today's teens.... one of my TUB darlins got herself into a mess of trouble listening to her friends legal advice mixed with their bad sense of how the world SHOULD be and topped off with what amazes me most of this generation we are raising....

The idea that what YOU think SHOULD be.... somehow transcends what *IS*.

Before I go on with my jail story.... let me better explain what I just said....

I will use the Pot/Marijuana example. Certain states have legalized it..... MANY believe it SHOULD be legalized everywhere and certainly there is a serious push toward that end going on country wide.

So.... many folks feel it SHOULD be legal. What I do NOT understand is the thinking that because it SHOULD be legal, you just go light it up in public..... anywhere..... then are SHOCKED when you get in trouble for it????

Kids today are very much like that.... because they feel they SHOULD be allowed to do whatever.... they just do it.... then are amazed that they got in trouble for doing it even though they knew all along it wasn't allowed.

Blows my mind almost on a daily basis.

Anyhoo, the teen I'm talking about today was not in trouble for drug related issues.... just further "bad judgement" ones based on a belief she had rights that she soon realized she did not yet have.

Like resisting a police officer.....

Like so many of today's youth, she thought she was old enough to do whatever she wanted, when she wanted and it didn't matter what her parents thought of her ideas.

An officer was called in and he told her that at her current age she did in fact have to listen.

She continued to walk away and probably could have chosen her words more carefully.

The officer gave her several more chances to calm down and come back to the house to discuss things in a more adult manner. She proceeded to explain her rights as perceived by her, reinforced by her peers (none of whom are lawyers...just other teens)  to the officer as she walked away.

Finally, she was given an ultimatum... Come back or I will escort you back....

Once the officer was putting handcuffs on her, she quickly decided that OPTION A was much more desirable.... however.... OPTION A was no longer on the table. It was too late.

She was the FIRST...and amazingly, so far the ONLY true "basement kid" to land her butt in jail.

BECAUSE of her antics (and others), Her parents were in no hurry to bail her out and bring her home. DSS decided she was a danger to her younger brother and therefore... coming home wasn't even an option anymore.

I actually went deeper into this story more than I had intended.... but if ANY of you teens can read this and LEARN something from it BEFORE you go out and destroy your home life, your future, your parents trust and love (which of course... you will later blame your parents because "they don't care about you").... then I am glad I went overboard.

This was supposed to simply show another example of my experiences dealing with teens and running the UB that people never realized can come with the territory.

At the request of the mother, I went and visited this young lady in jail.

She is a great girl with TONS of awesome potential..... I just wish I could see her utilize a fraction of it.

Unfortunately, I have yet to see it happen.

Her mother insists that The Ultimate Basement and myself have been a good influence on her and that we HAVE helped.... but I confess that I can not tell it.

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