Monday, April 21, 2014

I'm pickin' up good vibrations -- Beach Boys

Ok..... after my last all too depressing post.... lets get my ying and yang back in balance.

Align my chakras or whatever you call it...

We like to believe the world exists in some sort of balance....  as if there is some great scale making sure all events remain in check. If something terrible happens HERE.... we will add a bunch of good THERE.

It all balances out.

Of course.... bad news gets better press and marketing.

The day of the funeral, one of our OTHER Basement kids finally had her baby! She and her boyfriend have been together a LONG time through a LOT. Her family was there supporting her and the baby was healthy.

We will chalk that up to the PLUS side of the scales.

On a more personal note, the very next night..... one of my Basement kids from about.... 4+ years ago stopped by! I rarely see her anymore...

She has graduated, married and divorced since she first ever came to The Ultimate Basement. I have watched her grow from TEEN to WOMAN over the years and a finer person you can not find.

She gives me a hug and hands me an envelope. I asked her what it was and she replies that it is an Easter card and there was no rush in my opening it. (THAT was my clue......I shoulda known it was a trick!).

None-the-less, I was elated! I have been doing this for over 6 years now, giving everything I had to this project and those who cared to be a part of it.... and it is so rare I am personally thought of for Easter... or Christmas..... or my birthday..... etc.

So THIS was really cool for me!

She said she couldn't stay and gave me another hug, then left.

I had a show to get started so I had put the card down, unopened, and went back to work.

Later that night, I was handed the card back yet again after it had been taken from a 5 yr old that had found it and was walking around with it.

I tossed it back up to my command center area for later.

At the end of the night.... after the bands were done, packed up and headed home.... the buzz of the sound system finally gone... I had sat down at my laptop, ready to shut everything down and leave for the night. It was roughly 1 am and I was more than ready to leave and relax.

That is when I saw the card haphazardly lying where it had landed from my casual Frisbee toss earlier.

On the envelope, it simply said "Gerb".

Once I opened the envelope.... money fell out. $80 in twenty dollar bills....... I was shocked and humbled.

I dont know if this is coincidental or if she did it deliberately..... but I JUST NOW realized it was FOUR $20 bills...

Get it? 4-20's..... all the pot heads of the world go crazy over the date 4-20...... 

If she did THIS on purpose, she is a GENIUS! 
4-20 is finally put to practical use!! 

Give 4 twenty dollar bills to..... whatever cause or person you want! Brilliant!

(I mean... come on guys.... it aint like your not smoking pot the OTHER if you really need a holiday of your own to do it on?)

So naturally, I then read the rest of the "Easter Card".....

In those times
when you're feeling
a bit unsteady,
know that you've got
all the strength
you need.
OPEN CARD.......
It's there, just like it's always been.

You can do this.

Inside, hand written said:
"David, I know its not much but you deserve it! --N"

Not much? NOT MUCH???

It was too much! It was...............................wonderful.

Personal Karma Cup is balanced once more.

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